Monday, December 05, 2005

all forms of cleansing

Being the first Saturday of the month, a three day fast had been called by the church before the Saturday communion. This Saturday will be only the second time that communion will be served in Waterloo. There are only about 6 of us here who qualify to receive communion. Because most other members in the church are new, they were encouraged to fast if possible, and this was the first time that some of them fasted as members of the New Testament Church in Waterloo.

Since the day she began attending church, Bismalie, with the fervor of a new soul, and "first zeal", has been steadily proving God. She has been attending all the services faithfully, and has even, of late, asked her brother to accompany her. To appreciate the extend of her dedication, you have to understand the life she's led thus far. Since her accident, and her decision to abandon church, she had been one of those girls who stood at the corners and junctions of the streets of Waterloo. Like many of the women here in Sierra Leone, she has had kids at a young age, and before marriage. She lives in a home with her grandmother, brother, and several others who I have not yet met. She does not work; her grandmother cannot move much, is very old, and sits on the chair in the corner for most of the day. Her youngest child Samuel is only 10 months old (he's quite a big child for his age), and needs constant attention. Being mobile is difficult when you have had a truck run over your foot. Occasionally, she has to go to Freetown to get her foot dressed, or for a surgery appointment. At times, she's in town to visit her dad so I assume her parents are separated (as are many parents in Sierra Leone). Having been a Christian at one point in life, the guilt of the life she's led since she left church is at times very unbearable. Her friends mock her now because of her decision to turn her life around. Her dad has been threatening, and forcing her to marry a Muslim guy, but she wants to find a Christian man to marry. She almost gave in, but decided that she would prove God in this matter.

Bismalie arrived on time for the Thursday evening service (evening services start at 7 PM and end at 8:30 PM). At about 7:30 PM, she looked at me and gestured that she was starving and wanted to go home and eat. I gestured back and asked her to wait just a short time more. At 8: 20 when the service ended, she was the first one to jump up, strap on Samuel to her back and head out the door. She did not leave however, and stayed to greet everyone. When I met her, she said that she cannot do this anymore and that she will go home and eat and not come back to service on Friday. I just smiled in return. What could I say? She tried.

On Friday, as I was cleaning the toilet, she came to mind and in the back of my mind, I prayed that God would change her mind and bring her to church. That day, she showed up at 5:30 PM - before any of us even thought of preparing for the service. She still had not broken her fast, and she had given her food away to her sister. I was impressed, but I told her that it is useless to fast if she doesn't pray. She smiled and said she would try. That night, she did indeed try. When occasion was given to those in the audience to announce whatever pray requests they had, Bismalie was the first to put up her hand and request that God would give her a "mind to pray." After service, I gave her some Kin Dravya and asked her to break her fast.

I myself fasted all Thursday and Friday, and had a small meal Friday night. It was very unusual that I felt no hunger at all for the two days. Every Saturday, we all fast all day and break the fast at night, but again, I felt no hunger all Saturday. Saturday, evening however, I was hit with a passing infirmity. I say that because I want it to pass, but that's just what it's doing to me. Sunday morning, in the span of two hours, I had to visit the throne about six times. All Sunday and today, it's the same story. I haven't had anything significant to eat since Saturday night and I feel no hunger. Finally at about 3:30 PM today, I had to force myself to eat a little, but I can't keep anything in. Nothing remains solid. I suspect it's some sort of food poisoning.

I have been notified that sometime this week, my tenure here in Waterloo will come to an end. I will be heading to Bo from here. Continue to remember Bismalie, and the work in Waterloo in your prayers.


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