Sunday, November 13, 2005

using my head (finally), reading for change

"Dis man sabi fo wok Oh! I de try." They must think Americans are not able to work hard. And so, yielding edpans (head pans) of sand and stone, making several trips up the hill, taking rides to the nearby brook to fetch barrels of soap water (from people bathing in the brook), the foundation work for the project has begun. Today, the men working up the hill poured in concrete to commence this massive project that will upon completion, yield the largest church building, convention grounds, and compound in all of Sierra Leone (for now anyway). It is definitely not easy work carrying those edpans up the hill. I now know what these women go through when I see them carrying massive loads on their head. I have just begun to cultivate the skill and so I have to hold on to the pan while others can have their hands free.

I began reading "From Beirut to Jerusalem" by Thomas Friedman, but I had to put it down for another treasure chest I came across - "Why Revival Tarries" by Leonard Ravenhill. Though it was written in 1939, it seems to have been written for our churches as they are now. I couldn't help but see my own church in the same light. I fear for those men behind pulpits. Two other books I intend to read are: "Desire of the Ages" by Ellen G White, and "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A Kempis. Click on the links to download PDF versions of these books.

An interesting thing happened in the world this week. Liberia, Sierra Leone's neighbour, has elected its (and Africa's) first ever female President, Ms. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. She is Harvard educated, and has been involved in politics for many years now. She was, before this post, an International banker. Her opponent was the International Football star, with very little education, Mr. George Weah. Mr. Weah alleges that there was vote rigging involved, but the majority of the votes counted are in favor of Ms. Sirleaf. If she is indeed confirmed as President, it should be an interesting 6 years. She seems like a worthy candidate (yes, I said it), though she has Feminism painted all over her. I hope she can set a good example for Africa and the world.

I am doing well, staying sane, and keeping in good health. I notice tiny clusters of bumps here and there on my hands (not past my wrists), and I have no idea what it is. Other than that, all is well and I am trying very hard to stay out of trouble - and for THAT, I need prayers.

Happy Birthday Jess, Selina.


At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well ben glad to see you're keeping busy..
hey feminists are cool! men should live underground and be used for breeding purposes only! (jking, that from a tv show..) :D
haha yea stay outta trouble lol..everyones keeping you in their prayers here..

Ooo i jus wanted say, today being November 24th, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
we all wish you could share the turkey dude...but its ok..we'll sae some for you in a can and you can eat it, mold and all when you come home =) lol
have a good one ben

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Leonard Ravenhill!
I also love Keith Green's music, much of it parallels what Ravenhill is so passionate about, being that they were friends. I really love LR's book "Why Revival Tarries" which is more of a call to prayer. How appropriate.

I am a musician, and I would be honored if you would check out my site. LR has inspired some of my songs. All my music is free for download. Anyway, I just thought I'd share.

"All my music is free for download."


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