Sunday, October 16, 2005

of comfort and mango pickles

I took the poda-poda into town, alone for the first time. Thankfully, this time around, I was not mashed next to a fish woman. It was a comfortable ride in both directions and cost Le1300 in each direction.

At Choithrams supermarket, I was able to purchase a bottle of mango pickle for Le5000. It's not quite as good as the Grandmas brand of pickles you can purchase in the Indian stores in New York, but it's enough to add an Indian flavor to the food here. This Choithram character has established himself pretty well out here. He owns several supermarkets, hardware stores, and many other businesses, all named after him.

Digging work has begun at the site, and so far, I am not involved in much out there. I've been reading, brooking (laundering - probably because laundry was done at a brook?), and cleaning.


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